Welcome to Squads Gym
  • Squads Gym, Ponnat Plaza, Peyad
  • +919020227789
  • squadsgymofficial@gmail.com


An Exquisite Asylum To Pursue Your Aspirations

Squads Academy Level 2 General Trainer Certification :

Obtaining our Level 2 fitness trainer certification typically involves completing courses that delve deeper into exercise science, program design, and client interaction compared to Level 2certifications. Through our Level 2 Squads certification program we equip the Trainers to be well qualified in Ground workouts and General training.

The certification program includes practical assessments, written exams, and continuing education credits.

Course fee : 15000/-

Squads Academy Level 3 Personal Trainer certification

Our Level 3 personal Trainer certification typically builds upon the foundational knowledge gained in a Level 2 certification. It delves deeper into exercise science, anatomy, physiology, nutrition, program design, and client assessment techniques. The certification program includes advanced coursework, practical assessments, written exams, and possibly hands-on training experience. Our Level 3 certifications are designed to equip personal trainers with the skills and knowledge needed to work with clients at a higher level and to specialize in certain areas of fitness or clientele.

Course fee : 20000/-

Squads Academy Certification on Nutrition

Our Nutrition Certification equips individuals with the knowledge and credentials needed to provide accurate and evidence-based nutrition guidance to clients.

This includes :

  • Nutrition Fundamentals: Covering the basics of nutrition science, including macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats), micronutrients (vitamins, minerals), water, fiber, and their roles in the body.
  • Energy Balance: Understanding the concept of energy balance, including how to calculate and adjust calorie intake for weight management, whether the goal is weight loss, maintenance, or muscle gain.
  • Dietary Guidelines: Familiarizing students with national and international dietary guidelines and recommendations, as well as cultural and individual dietary considerations.
  • Nutritional Assessment: Teaching methods for assessing clients' dietary intake, nutritional status, and health history to identify areas for improvement and develop personalized nutrition plans.
  • Nutrition for Health and Wellness: Providing guidance on how nutrition impacts overall health and well-being, including disease prevention, immune function, energy levels, and mental health.
  • Sports Nutrition: Covering the unique nutritional needs of athletes and active individuals, including pre- and post-workout nutrition, hydration, fueling for performance, and recovery strategies.
  • Weight Management: Offering strategies for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight through balanced nutrition, behavior change techniques, and sustainable lifestyle habits.
  • Special Populations: Addressing nutrition considerations for specific populations, such as children, adolescents, pregnant and breastfeeding women, older adults, vegetarians/vegans, and individuals with medical conditions or food allergies/intolerances.
  • Nutrition Education and Counseling: Teaching effective communication skills, motivational interviewing techniques, and behavior change strategies to empower clients to make healthier food choices and adopt sustainable habits.
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations: Covering topics such as scope of practice, professional ethics, client confidentiality, and legal regulations surrounding nutrition counseling and education.
  • Continuing Education: Encouraging professionals to pursue ongoing education, stay updated on the latest research and guidelines in nutrition science, and maintain their certification through continuing education credits.

Course fee : 15000/-